United States :
The spider I eye witnessed looked the same except for a few color differences. I swear I saw it in Paterson NJ and am willing to subject myself to a polygraph test to prove I speak the truth (!)
After attending Passaic County court one day, Bishop John (my priest) stopped on the way home in Paterson New Jersey to fill his monk’s pain mediation at the, Shiva pharmacy. It is located in a majority Islamic neighborhood on Main Street in Paterson New Jersey.
Bishop John parked his car in back of of the Shiva pharmacy, facing an apartment building in back of the building/pharmacy. It was the same pharmacy, the North Jersey pain center in Passaic, NJ I used to go to for chronic pain syndrome wrote me only certain medications they said I could only fill at that certain Shiva pharmacy.
I was waiting outside of the pharmacy in the Bishop’s truck that day, and I saw a huge spider web hanging in a huge web outside someone’s apartment window!
I was so scared of spiders, I could not believe from the size, this spider was real. So I got outside the JEEP, taking up a medium sized stone in my hand, and threw it towards and into the huge Iraqi spider. The spider was REAL! It moved to avoid the stone I thew at its’ web. It had a greenish (light greenish) looking beak on its front like a birds beak. That itself was about 3 inches long and about one half an inch thick. The body was at least 4 niches long! and yellowish/greenish in tint.
It was identical to the one I saw on the Discovery channel that was huge and claimed to be attacking United States serviceman in Iraq. I looked everywhere online and in my spider research book,s but to this very day have been never was find the exact speciman.
I reported it to local authorities but they only tried to take me into a mental hospital,
The Shiva pharmacy is the same pharmacy Darko and I went to that had on their walls PRO Al Qaeda posters asking for monetary donations for Osama bin Laden ( they proudly displayed his photos on the posters). Darko nand I took a few for proof against AL Qaeda.
J StarrHuge Iraqi Spiders Are In Paterson NJ
I eye witnessed it and pinted this spider out to ArchBishop John at the time.
I searched images of the same spider but only found one that looked close but can not confirm the size specs on this photo. I can draw it though.
Please see the Discovery Channel for images or ask me directly.