WARNING: I have joyfully extended to all four/five "Provisional Owner's" mentioned alone, the "Enjoyment of Ownership Privleges of Jill Louise Starr's Original Youtube Content," as outlined in my "Terms of Contract/Ownership Agreement.". This information can be found underneath the "Comments," on all of my "Al Qaeda Lived Here," video's temporarily because I can not amend them tonight; I am too tired. I will correct them tomorrow morning and they legally remain both 1) Internationally and 2) Nationally Binding, until then. Once revised tomorrow morning, all revisions remain legally binding until, January 1st 2018 for all "Provisional Owners'." Nothwithstanding, at that time, Jill Louise Starr, remains as an "Owner," of her original Youtube Content regardless of other "Provisional Owner's," Acceptance and/or Non-Accetpance of her contract offer. All international and national legalities between herself and , Youtube will be worked out within a reasonable time period. Youtube shall possibly be extended a position as "Joint Owner, IF and only if: 1) They abide by the terms of "Joint Ownership." Meanwhile. because of the Al Qaeda global theat, YouTube immediately agrrees to 1) Contact, Miss Jill L. Starr, and, 2) NOT REMOVE ANY VIDEOS on any one of her present Youtube Sites as of, December 1st 2017 6pm until they notify either, Miss Jill Louise Starr, 2)Contact the Law Projects' Center International and National Legal Representative in America, Mr. MIchael J. Kelly Esq.. He is located in, Wayne New Jersey U.S.A onHambubrg Turnpike and listed on Google Maps. MIchael J. Kelly as all "Provisional Owner's" enoy all the "Rights of Joint Ownership" until said time.Michael J.Kelly Esq, is the designated, Law Projects National Cheif Legal Officer in, America and in International Affairs.". Shall any Owner and/or Provisional Content Owner desire not to 1) Accept the Ownership Offer Terms; 2) VIolate Them in Any Manner, or, 3) Unable to Contact the Other "Provisional Owner's In Acceptance Terms as Outlined in "Owners and/or Provisional Owner's,"' in Any Manner in, Miss Jill Louise Starr,'s, designated in her 4) "Reasonable Time Period," she remains with partners or alone "Co-Founder of the Original Law Projects Center (United Nations Acreddited Interational/ National NGO for the United Nations in, New York City U.S.A., the, Country of Serbia and its' other Co-Founder's originally electing her as, DIrector or the LPC in the State of New Jersey for the,, United States of America. Shall all five "Provisional Owner's, accept the offer as "Joint Owner's," they remain. Yuu Tube will be extended a "Provisional Offer By January 1st 2018" If Yotube wants to become "A "Full and/or A Provisional Owner," they must abide by this legal contract or contact her or her legal representative in America or another "Provisional Owner," by January 1st 2018. Notwithstanding, .The Law Projects Center, as registered (I wrote it's Legal By Laws) myself with the assistance of, Dr. Darko Trifunovic, in 1999 shall remain The Law Projects Center," a legal Non-Profit Orgnanization in the, State of New Jersey. It shall abide by the Charitable Organization Laws in the, State of New Jeresy. Until tomorrow then. This Legally Binding United Nations International/National Copyright Agreement is Now In Force between all "Provisionally Designated Owners." The only exception to this international and national contract is the, U.S.A Patriot Act. Category News & Politics You Tube Agrees to give all 4/5 "owners' of all, Miss Jill Louise Starr's Original Content Vidoes "realsonable Notice for her to save them first before delting them in any manner and to notify her first. Addendum: December 2nd 2017 (c) @ This is a legally binding United Nations Copyright Binding Agreement as of today 3PM. What It's Like to Chill Out With Whom the Rest of the World WARNING THESE LEGAL TERMS ARE EFFECTIVE ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNTS AND I MUST BE GIVING ACCESS TO DOWNLOAD ANY OF THEM BEFORE YOU TUBE LOCKS THEN IN AN MANNER AS OF NOW,
WARNING: I have joyfully extended to all four/five "Provisional Owner's" mentioned alone, the "Enjoyment of Ownership Privleges of Jill Louise Starr's Original Youtube Content," as outlined in my "Terms of Contract/Ownership Agreement.". This information can be found underneath the "Comments," on all of my "Al Qaeda Lived Here," video's temporarily because I can not amend them tonight; I am too tired. I will correct them tomorrow morning and they legally remain both 1) Internationally and 2) Nationally Binding, until then. Once revised tomorrow morning, all revisions remain legally binding until, January 1st 2018 for all "Provisional Owners'." Nothwithstanding, at that time, Jill Louise Starr, remains as an "Owner," of her original Youtube Content regardless of other "Provisional Owner's," Acceptance and/or Non-Accetpance of her contract offer. All international and national legalities between herself and , Youtube will be worked out within a reasonable time period. Youtube shall possibly be extended a position as "Joint Owner, IF and only if: 1) They abide by the terms of "Joint Ownership." Meanwhile. because of the Al Qaeda global theat, YouTube immediately agrrees to 1) Contact, Miss Jill L. Starr, and, 2) NOT REMOVE ANY VIDEOS on any one of her present Youtube Sites as of, December 1st 2017 6pm until they notify either, Miss Jill Louise Starr, 2)Contact the Law Projects' Center International and National Legal Representative in America, Mr. MIchael J. Kelly Esq.. He is located in, Wayne New Jersey U.S.A onHambubrg Turnpike and listed on Google Maps. MIchael J. Kelly as all "Provisional Owner's" enoy all the "Rights of Joint Ownership" until said time.Michael J.Kelly Esq, is the designated, Law Projects National Cheif Legal Officer in, America and in International Affairs.". Shall any Owner and/or Provisional Content Owner desire not to 1) Accept the Ownership Offer Terms; 2) VIolate Them in Any Manner, or, 3) Unable to Contact the Other "Provisional Owner's In Acceptance Terms as Outlined in "Owners and/or Provisional Owner's,"' in Any Manner in, Miss Jill Louise Starr,'s, designated in her 4) "Reasonable Time Period," she remains with partners or alone "Co-Founder of the Original Law Projects Center (United Nations Acreddited Interational/ National NGO for the United Nations in, New York City U.S.A., the, Country of Serbia and its' other Co-Founder's originally electing her as, DIrector or the LPC in the State of New Jersey for the,, United States of America. Shall all five "Provisional Owner's, accept the offer as "Joint Owner's," they remain. Yuu Tube will be extended a "Provisional Offer By January 1st 2018" If Yotube wants to become "A "Full and/or A Provisional Owner," they must abide by this legal contract or contact her or her legal representative in America or another "Provisional Owner," by January 1st 2018. Notwithstanding, .The Law Projects Center, as registered (I wrote it's Legal By Laws) myself with the assistance of, Dr. Darko Trifunovic, in 1999 shall remain The Law Projects Center," a legal Non-Profit Orgnanization in the, State of New Jersey. It shall abide by the Charitable Organization Laws in the, State of New Jeresy. Until tomorrow then. This Legally Binding United Nations International/National Copyright Agreement is Now In Force between all "Provisionally Designated Owners." The only exception to this international and national contract is the, U.S.A Patriot Act. Category News & Politics You Tube Agrees to give all 4/5 "owners' of all, Miss Jill Louise Starr's Original Content Vidoes "realsonable Notice for her to save them first before delting them in any manner and to notify her first. Addendum: December 2nd 2017 (c) @ This is a legally binding United Nations Copyright Binding Agreement as of today 3PM. What It's Like to Chill Out With Whom the Rest of the World WARNING THESE LEGAL TERMS ARE EFFECTIVE ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNTS AND I MUST BE GIVING ACCESS TO DOWNLOAD ANY OF THEM BEFORE YOU TUBE LOCKS THEN IN AN MANNER AS OF NOW,
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